Monday 23 September 2013

Identify Scam Jobs

Every internet user must learn how to identify scam jobs. Here are some useful tips and suggestions for identifying fraudulent job options– 


Never apply for any of the listed online job without proper interview conducted, offline or online. You must also have a proper identification of the employer.

If the online employer is asking you to transfer some caution money before or after hiring, get a strong inkling that the job offer is a scam.

If the online employer is insisting for certain sensitive personal details like credit card details or social security number, license number etc, get the warning that something is wrong with this job offer.

Get suspicious if the proposal says that pay is going to be high for very nominal or almost negligible work.

If the online employer is asking you to attend a paid training, do not fall for the trap.

Grades or Ability?

Grades and ability are vaguely related to one another in direct as well as indirect way. A person having good grades may not have enough ability to be an inherent leader. 


Similarly, a born leader and a confidently-able person may not have secured very promising grades. It would be not wrong to say that grades are not the true mirror of a person’s ability or professional capability. Undoubtedly, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school, he has to make and condition his capability on his or her own. 

An able person may not be having very promising grades, still can make a niche for himself or herself in the professional circle. The inherent confidence, leadership qualities and talent to understand and execute actions and decisions can help a great deal in overcoming the obstacles of not very promising grades. Hence we can construe that ability cannot be decided by mere grades.    

Monday 16 September 2013

Gain Knowledge About The Topic Grades or Ability? To Analyze For Implementation

In recent times, all the educational institutions are following the grading system and they follow different types of grading programs. Previously, many schools were following the ten point grading system and at present, the schools follow the six point grading system.


After the introduction of this system, it has become very difficult for the students to score A grade or A+. The present topic is the Grades or Ability? And, many parents feel that the grade does not reflect the ability of the students. In fact, students have the ability to perform better than their grades and the latest grading system discourages them to deliver their performance, with self confidence.

Of course, the commercial establishments always prefer to have the candidates, who have the ability to handle the jobs, with efficiency. That is why many lower grade students are able to find placements in some of the leading companies. In school, you need to work for the best grade and in your job, you need to show your ability to work efficiently with dedication. 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Grades or Ability Which Is More Important To Get A Good Job

Grades or ability which is more important to get a good job? Well this is a very common question in every job seekers mind. Though individuals with good grades have always received preference than the others, but in today’s competitive job market ability and skills are given equal preference as grades. 

In reality, grades are not as strong indicators of a person’s skill sets and professional persona, as compared to his or her inherent ability.

Nowadays only grades do not help, along with grades you need to have the ability as well as skills in order to meet an employer’s requirement.
Along with good grades if you can master any specific skill required by the industry then that definitely gives you an edge over the others and makes your chances brighter to get a good job in this competitive market.