Wednesday 20 November 2013

Grades or Ability

Grades reflect abilities of any individual to understand retrieve as well as grab any information. Grades are stepping stone for achieving success in career. Not only grades but abilities are also equally important for attaining success. Grades can be considered as result of theoretical knowledge but abilities are outcome gained from experience.


Candidates with good grades receive golden opportunities but with right abilities these opportunities can provide best result. Good grades as well as abilities help in providing success to every college student and professional. Therefore it can be said that perfect blend of grade and ability can give fruitful result.

Undoubtedly, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school, he has to make and condition his capability on his or her own. An able person may not be having very promising grades, still can make a niche for himself or herself in the professional circle.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Grades or Ability?

Usually it is understood that ability over grades is the reflection of educational performance. However, ability cannot be altogether ignored, as it decides the success factor of an individual.  

Grade Matters

While selecting a candidate for a job opening, it is always suggested to take into account his or her ability. Many a times some student may be medically unfit or going through some emotional discomfort. His or her familial background may not be good enough to let him get better grades despite his remarkable ability. This explains that it is imperative to keep an impartial track over the ability of a candidate. Though grades cannot be ignored, the ability of a person goes on to decide the success an individual.  

A born leader and a confident person may not have secured very promising grades. While deciding over grades or ability, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school but his capability is proven by his inherent confidence, talent and leadership traits.