Tuesday 21 January 2014

Why Are Not Grades Enough?

Have you been wondering over why are not grades enough then we have some insightful views on this debate. It would be not wrong to say that grades are not the true mirror of a person’s ability or professional capability. Undoubtedly, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school, he has to make and condition his capability on his or her own.


An able person may not be having very promising grades, still can make a niche for himself or herself in the professional circle. 

Those who have ample of ability in them can certainly steer themselves positively amidst many kinds of odd like situations but they also need to have academic excellence so that they can have their professional ride over study platform.  

Undoubtedly, employers always prefer to select such incumbents for their companies who bring along the right and the perfect mix of grades and ability. 

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