Tuesday 29 October 2013

Grades Or Ability?

Numerous job recruiters look to your grades, but grades and ability do not have direct relation. Grades are merely indicator of individual performance and are not a complete judge of job ability. 


You often come across people who may not have good grades but perform very well practically. When it comes to jobs, practical knowledge and execution matter more. They help in steering clear during the times of professional crises or during times of tough decision making. 

The prime reason of giving higher importance to ability over grades is that grades are the reflection of educational performance that may or may not be consistent during student’s study tenure. While grades cannot be altogether ignored, its ability that decides the success factor of an individual.  

A person having good grades may not have enough ability to be an inherent leader. It would be not wrong to say that grades are not the true mirror of a person’s ability or professional capability. Hence we can sum up that ability cannot be decided by mere grades.    

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