Thursday 19 December 2013

Do Grades Reflects a Student's True Ability

Schools and colleges tend to gauge the ability of their students with the help of their grades. But assessing a student’s ability and intelligence merely by looking at the grades is not a suitable way to perceive things. Grades can help in getting an idea about a student’s range of understanding but they cannot help in slotting students about their level of intelligence or ability.


Since our education system is like that, a student may be good in solving math problems than to memorize history facts. Actually, it all would depend on how the assessments and tests are taken. Taking grades in isolation to gauge the ability or capability of students is going to be an altogether wrong approach. 

Experts are of opinion that mere grades must not be the parameter of gauging. Many other aspects of students should also be taken into consideration, such as his IQ and life skills. 

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Grades or Ability?

When it comes to grades or ability, it is imperative to understand that either of them have their own respective value. While grades are strong indicators of a person’s academic expertise and his level of knowledge, ability would tell about how he or she would be able to handle real life situations ahead in the life. 

Employers always prefer to select such incumbents for their companies who bring along the right and the perfect mix of grades and ability. A person just having impressive grades with no traces any real ability or capability would be of no use as he would not be able to tackle any real professional life situation.

Those who have ample of ability in them can certainly steer themselves positively amidst many kinds of odd like situations but they also need to have academic excellence so that they can have their professional ride over study platform.  

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Grades or Ability? Which One Is Better For A Successful Career?

As you know that grades are actually a way for measuring an individual’s performance, so it is very important to get good grades as it is very helpful in achieving success. 


But at the same time good grades could not be achieving without ability. these days, ability is given more importance than grades because if you have good grades but do not have ability to work then it is very hard for that person to achieve his/her desired goal. Hence it can be said that grades and ability are equally important for a successful career.

It would be not wrong to say that grades are not the true mirror of a person’s ability or professional capability. Undoubtedly, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school, he has to make and condition his capability on his or her own. Hence we can construe that ability cannot be decided by mere grades.    

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Grades or Ability

Grades reflect abilities of any individual to understand retrieve as well as grab any information. Grades are stepping stone for achieving success in career. Not only grades but abilities are also equally important for attaining success. Grades can be considered as result of theoretical knowledge but abilities are outcome gained from experience.


Candidates with good grades receive golden opportunities but with right abilities these opportunities can provide best result. Good grades as well as abilities help in providing success to every college student and professional. Therefore it can be said that perfect blend of grade and ability can give fruitful result.

Undoubtedly, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school, he has to make and condition his capability on his or her own. An able person may not be having very promising grades, still can make a niche for himself or herself in the professional circle.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Grades or Ability?

Usually it is understood that ability over grades is the reflection of educational performance. However, ability cannot be altogether ignored, as it decides the success factor of an individual.  

Grade Matters

While selecting a candidate for a job opening, it is always suggested to take into account his or her ability. Many a times some student may be medically unfit or going through some emotional discomfort. His or her familial background may not be good enough to let him get better grades despite his remarkable ability. This explains that it is imperative to keep an impartial track over the ability of a candidate. Though grades cannot be ignored, the ability of a person goes on to decide the success an individual.  

A born leader and a confident person may not have secured very promising grades. While deciding over grades or ability, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school but his capability is proven by his inherent confidence, talent and leadership traits.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Grades Or Ability?

Numerous job recruiters look to your grades, but grades and ability do not have direct relation. Grades are merely indicator of individual performance and are not a complete judge of job ability. 


You often come across people who may not have good grades but perform very well practically. When it comes to jobs, practical knowledge and execution matter more. They help in steering clear during the times of professional crises or during times of tough decision making. 

The prime reason of giving higher importance to ability over grades is that grades are the reflection of educational performance that may or may not be consistent during student’s study tenure. While grades cannot be altogether ignored, its ability that decides the success factor of an individual.  

A person having good grades may not have enough ability to be an inherent leader. It would be not wrong to say that grades are not the true mirror of a person’s ability or professional capability. Hence we can sum up that ability cannot be decided by mere grades.    

Friday 11 October 2013

Grades or Ability?

When there is option of choosing out of grades or ability, there remains a lot to discuss. While selecting a candidate for a job opening, it is always suggested to take into account his or her ability. The prime reason of giving higher importance to ability over grades is that grades are the reflection of educational performance that may or may not be consistent during student’s study tenure. 


At times a student may be medically unfit or may be going through some emotional or physical discomfort. Many a times, the familial background of a student may not be conducive enough to let him score better marks or grades despite his remarkable ability.

Thus employers must keep an impartial track on the ability of a candidate so that his actual caliber and level of competence is known. While grades cannot be altogether ignored, its ability that decides the success factor of an individual.  

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Why Are Grades So Important?

Learn Why Are Grades So Important? And Try Your Job Accordingly

In the past, all the educational institutions were using the report card system and they were entering the marks, with the purpose of informing the parents. Now, most of the schools are using the grade system and you should learn Why Are Grades So Important? 


Actually, the grade system allows students to stay together and there will be no competition, between the students. The grades are given to the mark group and even if a student scores a little low mark, he can get the same grade of the first mark student. Now, there is no first mark for the students and with the grading system, very intelligent students form as a group and there are no debates between the students.

Further, when the students finish their higher education, it would be easy for them to find their jobs, with the latest grading system. This is an advantage for the above average students and at the same time, they gain confidence to work hard in their respective jobs. 

Monday 23 September 2013

Identify Scam Jobs

Every internet user must learn how to identify scam jobs. Here are some useful tips and suggestions for identifying fraudulent job options– 


Never apply for any of the listed online job without proper interview conducted, offline or online. You must also have a proper identification of the employer.

If the online employer is asking you to transfer some caution money before or after hiring, get a strong inkling that the job offer is a scam.

If the online employer is insisting for certain sensitive personal details like credit card details or social security number, license number etc, get the warning that something is wrong with this job offer.

Get suspicious if the proposal says that pay is going to be high for very nominal or almost negligible work.

If the online employer is asking you to attend a paid training, do not fall for the trap.

Grades or Ability?

Grades and ability are vaguely related to one another in direct as well as indirect way. A person having good grades may not have enough ability to be an inherent leader. 


Similarly, a born leader and a confidently-able person may not have secured very promising grades. It would be not wrong to say that grades are not the true mirror of a person’s ability or professional capability. Undoubtedly, grades help an individual in getting admission in a good college or school, he has to make and condition his capability on his or her own. 

An able person may not be having very promising grades, still can make a niche for himself or herself in the professional circle. The inherent confidence, leadership qualities and talent to understand and execute actions and decisions can help a great deal in overcoming the obstacles of not very promising grades. Hence we can construe that ability cannot be decided by mere grades.    

Monday 16 September 2013

Gain Knowledge About The Topic Grades or Ability? To Analyze For Implementation

In recent times, all the educational institutions are following the grading system and they follow different types of grading programs. Previously, many schools were following the ten point grading system and at present, the schools follow the six point grading system.


After the introduction of this system, it has become very difficult for the students to score A grade or A+. The present topic is the Grades or Ability? And, many parents feel that the grade does not reflect the ability of the students. In fact, students have the ability to perform better than their grades and the latest grading system discourages them to deliver their performance, with self confidence.

Of course, the commercial establishments always prefer to have the candidates, who have the ability to handle the jobs, with efficiency. That is why many lower grade students are able to find placements in some of the leading companies. In school, you need to work for the best grade and in your job, you need to show your ability to work efficiently with dedication. 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Grades or Ability Which Is More Important To Get A Good Job

Grades or ability which is more important to get a good job? Well this is a very common question in every job seekers mind. Though individuals with good grades have always received preference than the others, but in today’s competitive job market ability and skills are given equal preference as grades. 

In reality, grades are not as strong indicators of a person’s skill sets and professional persona, as compared to his or her inherent ability.

Nowadays only grades do not help, along with grades you need to have the ability as well as skills in order to meet an employer’s requirement.
Along with good grades if you can master any specific skill required by the industry then that definitely gives you an edge over the others and makes your chances brighter to get a good job in this competitive market. 

Thursday 29 August 2013

Grades and Abilities

Grades are a combination of abilities which shows that how well you measure up to the expectation of your teacher, parents or others. Grades and ability plays a major role in defining one’s academic performance. An individual’s academic performance is judged by his work experience, his skills and potentials in different areas. Here is a brief overview to show how grades and abilities affect your academic and professional growth.


Grades indicate a level of achievement through which you can gain success in college or being in a profession. As far as academic abilities are concerned, yes the grades reflect them but they are not a complete dash board to look into your true abilities, potential or attitude.

High grades speak your depth of knowledge in a theoretical area but abilities reflect the knowledge you have gained through your experiences and outside world

Friday 16 August 2013

Fulfil Your Job Responsibility to Achieve Success

It is very important that you fulfil your job responsibility well so that you are always in the good books of your seniors and you can achieve success easily. In order to carry all official responsibilities successfully you need to be honest and hardworking. Being hardworking doesn’t only means being regular to offices and workplaces; it also refers to being inherently loyal towards the employer and take a whole hearted participation in official policies and processes. 


You should also be ready to face and take up new challenges and handle it successfully so that you get noticed by the management of the company in a positive and encouraging light. Always remember that only if you are responsible with your work then only you would be given additional responsibilities to handle which would ultimately create the path of success for you.

Friday 9 August 2013

Tips To Improve Your Grades

As you know that getting good grades in schools, colleges and universities is great and big issue for everyone, be it a parent or a teacher or a student. Grades are known to be the parameter that helps in gauging academic ability and capability that helps consequently in establishing them in their job sector. Thus here are few tips for improving your grades very quickly and making an easy and an effortless headway towards a lucrative career - 

Grade Report
  • Study at that time when you are more alert.
  • Try studying before going to college and before going to bed.
  • Create daily goals which are easy to achieve, also create weekly goals and try to achieve them as soon as possible.
Hence in today’s competitive world getting higher grades is very important for which you should follow these few tips.

Monday 5 August 2013

Decoding Relationship Between Grades and Ability of an Individual

Numerous job recruiters look to your grades, but grades and ability do not have direct relation. Grades depend on individual performance during exams and reflect theoretical knowledge, and hence, are not a complete judge of job ability. Though grades have their own importance, they cannot tell the inherent qualities of the candidate that are required for being a good leader and a dedicated worker.
Grades and Ability
It may be possible that a student was unable to perform well during exams due to some illness or lack of interest in studies, but that in no way means that he/she is lacking job ability. You often come across people who may not have good grades but perform very well practically. When it comes to jobs, practical knowledge and execution matter more. They help in steering clear during the times of professional crises or during times of tough decision making.

Monday 29 July 2013

Don’t Lose Hope If You Have Low Grades

Grades play a very important role in determining capabilities of a student. Grades are a marker to determine students’ abilities. Few years ago, good grades were considered everything irrespective of how able a student is. But nowadays, that notion is changing and employers are now giving preference to those who have low grades but high ability, main reason behind is that a student with high ability would be more valuable to a company than a high grader with poor ability. 

Job Skills

An able student would cost less to company when it comes to training in comparison to a novice and an untrained person. A company wants to hire such persons who are trained and trimmed to the maximum extent and do not need any serious training. Candidates having high ability and traits score over others.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Have High Grades but No Job Yet

There are many freshers who have high grades but no job yet because of the current competitive market scenario. There are people who even after scoring high grades are waiting for jobs as because apart from academics a lot of other considerations are also taken into account in order to get a good job. 

A Plus

Only academics do not help you any longer, you need to be an all rounder that is you need to have good grades as well as other skills in order to stand out in the crowd. Most of all, the zeal to excel and enterprise in a person help a great deal in grabbing a good job.

Though high grades are must but along with it try to develop additional skills that would give you an edge in the job market ahead of the others.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Good Abilities along with Decent Grades is the way to go Forward

In academics, grades play a very important role in defining a student. In fact, a student is judged by the grades he gets in the college rather than his abilities. But nowadays it has changed a bit and now abilities are overshadowing grades. When employers conduct interviews, they now give more importance to a student with good abilities than a student with good grades but poor abilities. 


Reason is that an able person would not cost much to company when it comes to train the employees for the jobs and would also learn quickly. It is better that you give importance to enhance your abilities but do not ignore your grades because many employers set criteria for applicants to have a certain minimum grade to apply. Both of these aspects are equally important in landing a perfect dream job that would take aspirants towards higher levels of success.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Higher Grades Means Higher Chances Of Employability

Nowadays though apart from academics a lot of considerations are taken into account in order to get a good job, but one cannot deny the fact that student with higher grades means higher chances of employability.

An academically good student with high grades is always in the good books of everybody. As far as the traditional concept goes a good student with good grade always has a higher value than the rest. Though the concept has changed a bit as nowadays only academics do not help, you need to be an all rounder good that is you need to have good grades as well as other skills in order to stand out in the crowd.

But as far as the jobs and companies are concerned higher grades does matter to a great extent. A student with good high grades from reputed institutions always gets more preference than the rest. So in order to bag a job in today’s job  market you need to have high grades to be at the top.

Friday 28 June 2013

Grades or Ability - Which one works for employers?

When it comes to employers’ choice, the ability certainly scores better than the grades. The employers fraternity is always in seek of such employees who have not been muggers but learners in the true sense. It has been rightly said that marks are not the true indicator of a person’s ability. An able and a hardworking person may or not be having good grades to vouch for his credibility. However, his ability will let him not just survive but steer ahead like winners through various ups and downs in his work / career life.

Grades or Ability

Able and a dedicated worker do not restrict himself or herself to mere marks or grades. They go beyond the bookish knowledge and establish themselves on the basis of their talent. And this fact is wholeheartedly acknowledged and accepted by employers. They seek good, enterprising and hardworking candidates who prove their caliber not through their marks but through their ability.